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How to Prepare Your AC System For Summer

How to Prepare Your AC System For Summer


The moment the first heatwave hits, everyone considers their air conditioner. The tool has set dormant throughout the late fall and winter months. The need for maintenance is high.

But can you save money by doing the maintenance yourself?

The answer is yes. Your AC system works harder in the summer than any other season. Making sure it is ready for the approaching season’s demand will keep your system working for years to come.

Check out this guide on how to prepare your air conditioner for warmer weather.

How to Prepare Your AC System For Summer

Checking Your AC System

Your HVAC company will probably call you once the first warm spring day hits. They know what to look for and how to assess your system. But you can manage everything yourself unless you find a Freon leak.

Freon is a poison and highly regulated. The government requires registered personnel to add Freon should your system need it. But the below steps are ones you can manage without the help of an HVAC service provider.

Checking the Filter

Dirty filters block or reduce airflow. Since the key to the AC system’s efficiency is having the proper amount of airflow, the filter(s) must be clean. Low airflow might mean a dirty filter or it might also mean that the AC system is low on Freon.

Cleaning or changing the filter is a great troubleshooting method. You can determine if the restricted airflow is caused by low Freon or accumulated dirt.

If after cleaning the filter the airflow doesn’t improve, you’ll want to call your best AC service provider.

Adjusting the Thermostat

Many people forget to address their thermostats every spring. Rarely are people comfortable having the setting at the same temperature year-round. People find that 68° in the fall requires a light jacket, while in the spring it feels too warm for a jacket.

Setting the thermostat based on the new season will allow your AC system to run less often. Heating and cooling always run in cycles. Knowing when to adjust your thermostat with each season will save money.

Cleaning the Compressor and Coils

The compressor and coils are a perfect place to catch blowing leaves each fall. When leaves get stuck in the system, air doesn’t flow around the evaporator coils. This causes the AC system to work harder at cooling off your house.

The first step in cleaning the condenser is to turn off the power. Most systems have a 240-volt disconnect box next to the unit. Then unscrew the protective grills from the unit.

Using a soft brush attachment on your vacuum cleaner, suction up all the debris between the coils. Do not bend the delicate fins used to release heat. These are critical to the efficiency of your unit.

If some of the debris doesn’t get pulled into the vacuum, you can spray it with an AC coil cleaner. But be careful not to spray the fan or any electrical components. If these steps are daunting, call a professional to handle your HVAC maintenance.

Checking for Leaks

When checking your coils for leaks, finding ice build-up on the copper lines or coils is a sign you have a Freon leak. A leak will increase the operations of the unit and raise your utility bills. This is due to the coils not being able to absorb the heat drawn from the house.

DIY Maintenance

Not everyone is capable of managing their spring AC system maintenance. But the above steps empower the fearless to save money and extend the life of their AC system.

Should you find a Freon leak, it must be handled by a professional. Find an AC service provider near Kellyville, Pawnee, Perkins, Perry, Sand Springs, Sapulpa, Stillwater, and Tulsa. They will help you with the part of the maintenance that you aren’t comfortable managing.

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